
Kindergarten Information Evening

Due to the school closures we were unable to host a Kindergarten Information Evening. Instead, the fantastic Kindergarten team at South March PS has developed a handbook for you and your child to view. The link is available below. 

SMPS - Welcome to Kindergarten 2022-2023

Intake Meetings

To prepare for student transitions, our educator teams normally meet with you and your child during the first few days of school. Again, we are not sure what the plan is for school reopening in September so in-take meetings have not been set up yet. In September, these meetings may be in person or may be done virtually using Google Meet. More information to come! In the meantime, if there is any information that you feel the school should know about your child (medical, learning needs, safety needs) please contact the school office who will pass the information to staff. Please contact:

Next Steps

  • Review the "Welcome to Kindergarten" slideshow to become familiar with the kindergarten program
  • Later this summer (mid-August) you will review information about an in-take meeting and the names of your child's educators will be shared too.  
  • For more information, you can also visit OCDSB - Kindergarten.

We look forward to welcoming your child into Kindergarten at South March PS!