Our School
South March Public School opened its doors for the first time on September 1, 2009. We are located in the Kanata North area of Ottawa. Our students come from the Briarbrook and March communities. We are a dual track school, providing regular English programs with Core French daily and Early French Immersion programs for our Grade 1 to Grade 6 students. We have a large cohort of kindergarten classes, where the kinder children spend half their day in English and the other half of their day in French. We are also home to a specialized Autism Program, offering placements to students from across our District.
Our school is on a balanced day schedule, giving students two opportunities to have a nutrition break and recess during the day, while reorganizing the academic learning times into two 120 minute and one 60 minute instructional blocks. Daily schedule is as follows: 9:15am to 11:15am instruction/ 11:15am to 12 noon nutrition break AM/ 12 noon to 2pm instruction / 2pm to 2:45pm nutrition break PM/ 2:45pm to 3:45pm instruction.
We have worked hard to develop a culture that is unique to our school, students, parents/guardians, staff and community. Students have been actively involved in decision-making about our school colours (gold, blue and black) and school mascot. The penguin was chosen to represent the importance of community and team work.
Our students come from diverse backgrounds. They represent many countries, such as China, India, Turkey, the Middle East and Russia (to name a few) and 35 languages. There are approximately 600 students enrolled at South March. Upon completion of the grade 6 program, our students will go to Jack Donahue P. S. for grades 7 and 8 before entering West Carleton High School for grade 9.
We have a team of dedicated professionals some of whom have been long serving OCDSB employees and those who have recently joined the profession. They represent 30.5 teachers, 4.5 educational assistants. There is one full-time Principal, a 0.5 Vice Principal, one Office Administrator, one Office Assistant, and a 0.6 Library Technician. Our school grounds and building are maintained by our chief custodian and 2 evening custodians. The staff bring with them their perse backgrounds and experiences to help our students expand their learning.
Our community is rural and suburban. Many of our families are new to the area, moving into the newly constructed homes in North Kanata. We anticipate that the school will continue to grow along with the community.
Even before our doors opened on September 1st of 2009, our parents and community have been active participants in the life of our school. The school council began meeting in the spring before the school opened and have been invaluable in their work in setting up our library, establishing hot lunch programs, and supporting school initiatives. The council meets and holds public meetings monthly in the school library.
Facilities and Resources
South March Public School is an environmentally friendly elementary school. It is a 44 500 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility. The school is designed to conform to the Model National Energy Code for Buildings. Some sustainable concepts include: materials with recycled content, exposed concrete finishes and use of natural wood.
A twelve room extension was approved for the school, and construction was completed in 2014-2015.
The school houses:
- A fully automated library with student work stations
- Computers in every teaching area
- Computer lab
- Two gymnasiums with fold down stage and servery
- Soccer fields, basketball nets
- Play structures and Kindergarten play area
- Children’s Village Daycare Centre
Mission Statement
Our Dreams – Nos Réalités
Educating for the 21st Century
South March Public School embraces the OCDSB mission statement: Educating for Success, Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship.
Programs and Services:
Academic Programs
South March offers numerous programs:
- English program with Core French, Grade 1 to grade 6
- Early French Immersion from Grade 1 to grade 6
- Billingual full day kindergarten program JK/SK
- Specialized Autism Program for grade 1 to grade 6 students
Special Education
South March operates with a team approach aimed at providing support for all students. Members of the School Support Team which include the Learning Support Teacher, the Learning Resource Teachers, the English as a Second Language consultant teachers, and our Educational Assistants, work within classrooms and with small groups of students on a daily basis. A Psychologist, Social Worker, Learning Support Consultant and a Speech and Language Pathologist service the school as members of the Multidisciplinary School Team. Gifted programming is delivered using the integrated model. South March is a designated site for a primary and junior Autism Program. The program receives specialized support from a designated Psychologist, Learning Support Consultant for Autism, Occupational Therapist and Speech and Language Pathologist.
Clubs and Activities
Our students benefit from our extensive extra-curricular activities that may vary from year to year. They might include:
- A wide range of intramural athletics offered during lunchtime at all levels
- Competitive school athletic teams (tournaments, inter-school games)
- Spirit Days
- Chess Club
- Knitting/Crocheting Club
- EarthCare Club
- Primary and Junior Choir
- Winter Carnival
- Terry Fox Run
- Dance Club
- Primary Games Club
- Sewing Club
Students also have leadership opportunities as:
- Members of the P.T. A.(Penguins Taking Action student advisory council)
- Lunch Monitors
- Library Helpers
- Kindergarten Helpers
- Reading Buddies
- Helpers in the Autism Program