SMPS Profile

We are a perse & multicultural school located in North Kanata. We offer two programs (Regular English and Early French Immersion) for children in grades JK to 6. Our total student population is approximately 600 students.

Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice is a collaborative approach that strives to develop skills and connections within the community by collaborative problem-solving. When conflict arises, this approach involves students and adults working together for a constructive outcome. A continuum of interventions and supports are used to address inappropriate behaviour and to build upon strategies that promote positive outcomes for all involved. In this way, we can work together to ensure a safe, peaceful, caring, and nurturing learning community.

The focus of Restorative Practice is to build, maintain, and restore relationships, through the development of empathy and responsibility. Programs and initiatives which foster Restorative Practices at South March include Character Education, ‘Roots of Empathy’, ACE (Advisory Committee on Equity, and Bully Prevention.

School Mascot

When we opened our school in 2009, our students chose the penguin as our mascot. Their reasoning was that penguins work together in a community. The films 'March of the Penguins' and 'Happy Feet' were also popular at the time and thus a mascot was born!

Homework Guidelines

Homework can strengthen and reinforce the learning acquired in school. It can also develop good work habits. Homework will be assigned by the teacher when appropriate, to reinforce concepts, complete unfinished class work, study for tests and do projects. Daily reading at home is strongly encouraged for all South March Public School students.

Educating for Success: Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship

South March Public School opened its doors for the first time on September 1, 2009. Located in the Kanata North area of Ottawa, our Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 students come from the Briarbrook and March Road communities.

Map of the school boundaries

Our students are acquiring the skills necessary to become critical and creative problem solvers. Our shared commitment is to assist them in building the skills required to become life long learners and critical consumers of information. Just as importantly, we strive to create a positive learning environment that fosters the development of caring, contributing citizens. We encourage our students to make a difference for others in our school, community, and the world.  Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins!

Educating for the 21st Century